Tuesday, February 15, 2011

West African 101

The first day my body
didn't want to move that way I was
all knees and elbows flailing tripping
tripping over feet both my own and others

I slapped a girl
It was hand to hand combat on the too small wood floor
warped cracked boards tearing
at the soles of my feet with every
twist twist turn
and down right left down

but I was beaming
my heart like to explode with some
combination of adrenaline and joy

I am a dancer
a very poor dancer
but the rhythm is in me

Monday, February 14, 2011

listening to the drumming within...

I'm all about women's empowerment lately.
Mostly I think this has to do with too many times giving up my power, and being delighted to see women in my circle living out theirs. I want that. to embrace my power, and live in it.

West African Dance is part of that.

These are our drummers. They are amazing.
I am having a blast learning West African Dance, and I even garnered my first compliment from the instructor last night while learning a new step. Surprisingly - I picked it up the first time out. So - while I still have along way to go before I consider myself a dancer... marked improvement is being made. I signed up to perform in the studio showcase in a few months, it should be a good time.

My grad class is also going well, I'm taking a humanities course on Aboriginal Religious Life. We spent the first few weeks studying this book:

Daughters of Copper Woman

by Anne Cameron

It's a bunch of creation myths and stories from a group of Northwestern Indians. They are very matriarchal, and all of the stories are woman-centered. It's an interesting read for those willing to open their minds to other perspectives on creation. I wholeheartedly enjoyed it. ...and I will not be selling it back to the bookstore at the end of the semester - which is always a good test of a textbook, I think. And, I like that it gives us a break from the androcentric viewpoint.


I need to write.
There, I said it.
I've been pretty happy of late, and as per usual, my contentedness has led to less need (and/or perhaps less time) for creative outlet. But, that said, I need to write.
I'll let you know when that happens.

The next books on my list:

The Way of the Shaman
by Michael Harner

...for my grad class
